Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thoughts today

I don't really update my blog very often, but I guess that's because when I started it I had quite a lot to say very often, whereas now I don't, and also I don't think anyone really reads it anyway. Nonetheless, as I don't keep a journal or anything, I guess its a good way of documenting my thoughts.

I got offered a job today, but decided to turn it down in favour of one that pays less money. There are reasons for this, and they are that it seems to be a much better job, is about a five minute walk from home as oppose to a long journey, and after I work it all out the difference in money is only about £30 a week. So I've decided to go for the one I think I'll enjoy more, and they're going to review my salary after six months anyway.

I also need to add some random thoughts because I keep meaning to put them on here and keep forgetting:

I HATE benches at bus stops that are angled downwards. Why would they do that? It just seems cruel and pointless, to make a bench that you can't sit on comfortably, while waiting what could be up to an hour for a bus!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...apparently so people won't sleep on it? Which is stupid, I have never seen a person so so thin who can sleep on those benches comfortably.