Friday, June 08, 2007


I hate lies. I used to tell lies when I was young. Some big, some small, some seemed necessary, some were to protect other people, some were to protect myself. But the thing about lies is, they always come back to bite you on the arse. And when you lie to protect other people, you're only hurting them more. The truth will always set you free, and people will respect you for being honest with them, even if they may be angry or hurt by the truth. No matter what you do, people can always forgive you if you are honest with them, and genuinely sorry. But if you are a liar, people won't want to know you; who wants to have someone in their life who they are always second guessing, who they can never be sure is being completely honest with them?

When someone lies to me, I feel like they are poisoning my soul. It makes me feel unclean, even though it is not me doing the lying. Sometimes I can understand it, things like "No, I didn't eat the last chocolate" or "sorry, I didn't forget to put the washing on, but I was stuck in traffic and didn't get back in time". Things like that are unnecessary, because nobody would hold those sort of things against you, but at least they're not harmful lies.

As I said, the lies to protect people, although I disagree with them and think that the truth will be better for everyone in the long run, at least I can understand the why of them. But what really gets me, what really makes me angry, are the completely pointless lies.

Some people make up entire other lives for themselves, complete fantasy worlds that they actually believe they live in. I cannot for the life of me understand why people do this. First of all, it can't be attention seeking, because as often as not these other lives people invent aren't likely to impress anyone; making them too exotic and exciting would just make them impossible to believe and remove all credibility. But secondly, and most importantly, the truth will always come out. Always. And when it does, these people all react the same way. They get angry.

Rather than put their hands up and admit the truth, they get angry. If they would just own up, people would be angry with them and feel hurt, but they would forgive them respect their honesty and eventually learn to trust them again. Why do people not see this? Instead, they get angry, blame everyone but themselves, and then go and form superficial friendships based on lies with another group of unsuspecting suckers, until eventually the truth comes out and they are forced to go through it all again.

It just boggles the mind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Come here and let me give you a cuddle ;-)

(That's not a lie... but really my arms are not that long)